Discover the Benefits of Tai Chi –

Article by Wendy Haaf – / July-Aug 2019

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In 1994, Pat Bradley-White, then 47, happened to hear a brief description of tai chi on a radio program. “That got me curious and interested,” she says, so she sought out classes to give the ancient practice a try.

Variously described as meditation in motion and a martial art practised for both its defence-training and health benefits, tai chi is at least 700 years old and involves a sequence of 108 deliberate dancelike movements, or “forms” (which incorporate a synchronized system of breathing), gentle enough that they can be performed by people with a variety of health challenges.

Enjoying both the activity and the fellowship she found in the classes, Bradley-White, who now lives in Almonte, ON, continued the practice and over time began noticing that the niggling aches and pains in her knees and back were fading.
“Tai chi creates an awareness of what’s going on in your body, and it changed the way I moved,” she says. “Once I did tai chi regularly, the aches ancj pains disappeared. My bal­ance was better and my leg strength got better.”


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